Term 1
Introduction to H&SC - Component 1 Learning Aim A: Lifestages
- To be able to explain human growth and development across life stages.
- To be able to develop the skills for coursework writing, in research and referencing.
Term 2
C1 - Learning Aim B: How factors affect different life stages.
- To explain how factors can affect individuals during the different life stages
- To be able to research clearly and effectively for coursework.
Term 3
C1 Learning Aim B: Investigating how individuals deal with Life Events
- To explain how life events impact development and the different ways in which individuals deal with it.
Term 4
Component 2 Learning Aim A: Understand the different types of Health and Social Care services
- To be able to research and explain the different local services that individuals use.
- To explain how barriers may limit access to Health and Social Care services.
Term 5
C2 Learning Aim B: Demonstrate Care Values
- To explain the principle values of care that underpin Health and Social Care services.
- To demonstrate how values of care are used within services.
Term 6
C2 Learning Aim B: Care Values & Preparing for C3 Examination Unit
- To explore the importance of care values and the impact of implementing them into Health and Social Care Work
- What is Health and Wellbeing.