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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

Year 11 Prom Photos

We have added the photographs from the year 11 prom 2016 into a Moodle course. To access these you will need a network username and password. Below is a link to the Moodle course and instruction on how to access the files if you aren't familar with Moodle.

1. Students should go to Moodle (Learning Platform) via the link on the school website

2. Once at the Learning Platform users log in with their Year 11 network usernames and password. (If you are having issues with your account details please contact ICT Support via the email address [email protected] )

3. Once logged in users should scroll down to the Non-Curriculum section and click it. In the Non-curriculum section they need to select the Year 11 Prom Photos link.


4. Students then need to self-enrol onto the course by clicking the Enrol Me button in the middle of the page.

5. Once enrolled students will see the folder containing all of the photographs on the USB stick and they can click each one to download it.