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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

School Plan and Useful Places

Key Locations

Exams Office is situated on the group floor of the B block in the main school building,

House Areas are located at the front of the school, Hales and Standhope are on the ground floor and Cromer and Morrison on the first floor. You will be shown where the house areas are and how to access them on your first day.

Library is located on the ground floor of the S block, the library is open before school, lunchtimes and after school for research, homework and quiet reading.

Careers is located inside the school library which is on the ground floor of the S Block. 

Main School Office is close to the house area and should only be accessed by the internal route through the ground floor of the B/G block. Entrance through the external doors is only permitted with guidance from a member of staff.

Medical Room is located on the central corridor on the ground floor of the B block, if there is nobody available in the medical room please visit the main school reception as your next port of call.

Bridge Centre is located in the single story E block near the school field.

6th Form Centre is located on the first floor of the S block, this block is for 6th form students only.

What If I Get Lost?

From time to time in your first few weeks and months here at Fulston Manor you may get lost or have to visit an area of the school that is new to you so with that in mind we have detailed some of the key places you may visit and how to get there below. We have also added the school site plan below as a PDF for you to download, however there is a copy of the plan in your school planner so try and keep this with you at all times.

Always remember we are a school community and part of our motto says "Everybody Helps" so with that in mind if you are lost ask another student or a member of staff and they will be more than happy to help you find your way.