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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

Physical Education (PE, Games and Sport)

PE Team
Mrs G Davies Teacher of PE
Mr H Deeks Teacher of PE
Mrs C Goodier Teacher I/C of girls PE
Mr J Meades Teacher of PE
Miss J Oliver Acting Head of PE
Mr C Patey Teacher of PE

Our Curriculum Intent

To develop a positive attitude to physical activity and sport and to promote a healthy lifestyle to all students, making all students aware of the short-term and long-term benefits of physical activity.

To deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to every student.  To develop fundamental skills to allow students the opportunity to further their interests in physical activity throughout their life.

To give students the opportunity to realise their potential and fully enjoy and explore the life skills that Physical Education can offer, such as sportsmanship, co-operation, experience of winning and losing, fair play and citizenship.

To enable students to study the theoretical aspects of Physical Education and Sports Science to enable them explore career pathways in the sports and leisure industries.

What Will Students Learn In Each Year?

The links below give a detailed breakdown of what is taught in the the curriculum for each year.

Accommodation and Resources

Sports Hall, school field, Gymnasium, off-site playing fields at Cromers Corner, Tennis Courts and use of the Millennium Hall.

The gymnasium comprises a full range of fixed and moveable gymnastic apparatus, with basketball and badminton floor markings, projector and screen and 16 iPads.

The sports hall comprises:

  • 4 badminton courts
  • 1 full size basketball court
  • 1 full size volleyball court
  • 1 full size netball court
  • 5-a-side football pitch


  • 2 retractable basketball backboards and rings
  • 2 trampolines
  • 3 sets of basketball backboards and rings
  • 2 cricket nets
  • 5-a-side football goals

Cromers Corner Playing Fields:

Cromers Corner is located about 1km away from school site. This accommodation houses a purpose built pavilion and changing rooms. The field is marked with:

  • 2 football and 1 rugby pitches (winter)
  • 40 10 x 10 grids
  • 1 athletics track (summer)
  • 2 long jump pits and run up tracks
  • 2 high jump approach areas
  • 2 throwing circles
  • 1 softball pitch
  • 2 rounders pitches

Extra-Curricular Activities

It is the aim of the PE department to provide every student with the opportunity to extend and enrich their learning.  Clubs are arranged throughout the week to allow students the opportunity to practise skills learned during lesson time or to learn a completely new sport.  All clubs are supervised by a member of the PE department or a suitably proficient member of staff or coach.

The PE department offers a diverse range of extra-curricular clubs that students can attend during the academic year. These include football, table tennis, netball, rounders, rowing, tennis, athletics and handball.

Representative house and school team fixtures are arranged throughout the school year to nurture a competitive element into the development of each student.  School fixtures take place after school usually within the Swale district. The PE department also competes in county competitions in a range of sports.