Creative Arts Team
Mrs JL Smith |
Head of Creative Arts Faculty |
Miss B Greenstreet |
Teacher of Art |
Mr H Box |
Teacher of Photography and Art |
Mrs E Prince |
Teacher of Textiles |
Mr S Rayfield |
Teacher i/c of Art |
Mrs L Relf |
Teacher i/c of Photography |
Ms S Taylor |
Teacher of Photography |
Our Curriculum Intent
At Fulston Manor, with our Creative Design curriculum, we aim to enable students to become confident and creative thinkers and makers, able to develop their own ideas and concepts in response to personal ideas, questions or problems raised. We want them to be able to work on and develop high quality artwork, showing the ability to improve and adapt their work through critical conversation, where they can articulate and communicate ideas.
At Fulston Manor, with our Art and Design curriculum, we aim to introduce students to a wide range of skills and techniques that will enable them to access the curriculum, equipping them with skills and understanding in the basic concepts governing the use of different media. This is taught through first-hand experience of handling different media and materials and through demonstrations and videos. Where possible we relate projects to the work of others in order to develop the students’ broad understanding of the meaning, significance and contribution of art and design within both contemporary cultures and that of the past, encouraging students to take inspiration from these sources. We aim to develop the students’ ability to be able to communicate opinions about their own and others work and to be able to express ideas, concepts with growing maturity. Through the making of images and artefacts, we aim to provide the students with the means to make concrete their observations and responses to the ever-changing world in which they find themselves.
What Will Students Learn In Each Year?
The links below give a detailed breakdown of what is taught in the curriculum for each year.
Key Stage 3 - Art
What will my child learn in Year 7?
Term 1 |
- Learning how to draw from a direct observation.
- Learning how to use 2D media such as oil, chalk pastels and printmaking.
- Introduction of key words and relevant artist’s work.
Term 2 |
Space and Rocket
- Learning and improving observation drawing skills.
- Learning and improving how to use oil and chalk pastels.
- Learning how to use clay.
- Learning about Peter Thorpe’s work and responding to it creatively.
Term 3 |
Space and Rocket
- Learning and improving observation drawing skills.
- Learning and improving how to use oil and chalk pastels.
- Learning how to use clay.
- Learning about Peter Thorpe’s work and responding to it creatively.
Term 4 |
Ice Cream
- Learning and improving drawing skills.
- Learning and improving how to use colour pencil and oil pastels, water colour and ink.
- Learning how to create a doily snowflake.
- Learning Joel Penkman.
Term 5 |
Australian First Nations peoples
- Learning and improving drawing and painting skills.
- Learning how to use a range of techniques to record idea, experimenting with colour and mark making encouraging creativity.
- Learning about Aboriginal Art and responding to it creatively.
Term 6 |
Australian First Nations peoples
- Learning and improving drawing and painting skills.
- Learning how to use a range of techniques to record idea, experimenting with colour and mark making encouraging creativity.
- Learning about Aboriginal Art and responding to it creatively.
What will my child learn in Year 8?
Term 1 |
Celebrity Portraits
- To practise and improve drawing skills.
- To work imaginatively when designing.
- To improve painting skills.
- To use keywords, linking to relevant artists’ work.
Term 2 |
African Masks
- To research into different aspects of African art.
- To experiment with mark making through 2D and 3D techniques.
- To be influenced by African masks and pattern when making a low relief card mask.
- To be experimental when making.
Term 3 |
African Masks
- To research into different aspects of African art.
- To experiment with mark making through 2D and 3D techniques.
- To be influenced by African masks and pattern when making a low relief card mask.
- To be experimental when making.
Term 4 |
- To understand the style of Rousseau’s work though research.
- To use a range of 2D techniques showing developing skill and understanding.
- To experiment with composition layout showing awareness of Rousseau’s work.
Term 5 |
- To understand the style of Rousseau’s work though research.
- To use a range of 2D techniques showing developing skill and understanding.
- To experiment with composition layout showing awareness of Rousseau’s work.
Term 6 |
Everyday Objects
- To practice and improve observational drawing skills.
- To experiment with colour, tone and mark making using oil pastel, paint, felt tip and colouring pencil.
- To be influenced by artists’ work through application of colour and composition.
What will my child learn in Year 9?
Term 1 |
Pop Art
- Revision of observational drawing skills.
- Revision of improvement of painting skills.
- To learn about Pop Art and be inspired by their style and own work.
Term 2 |
Pop Art
- Revision of observational drawing skills.
- Revision of improvement of painting skills.
- To learn about Pop Art and be inspired by their style and own work.
Term 3 |
Day of the Dead
- Refinement of drawing skills.
- To use resources creatively to inspire own work.
- To refine clay skills.
Term 4 |
Day of the Dead
- Refinement of drawing skills.
- To use resources creatively to inspire own work.
- To refine clay skills.
Term 5 |
Northwest Cost
- Revision of drawing skills.
- To research and be influenced by NWC1 Art.
- To produce creative work exploring ideas developed from drawing and research.
Term 6 |
Michael Keck
- Revision and refinement of drawing skills.
- To increase proficiency in the handling of different techniques such as collage.
Key Stage 3 - Textiles
What will my child learn in Year 7?
Term 1 |
Rotation 1 - Introduction to Textiles
- Learning the Health and Safety of the Textiles Room
- Learning how to use the sewing machine, basic sewing skills and practising control of the machine
- Learning the skills involved with Applique and Couching
Term 2 |
Rotation 1 - Kandinsky Project
- Learning and improving Applique
- Learning and improving Couching
- Learn about Kandinsky and how to respond to his work in a Textile piece
Term 3 |
Rotation 1 - Kandinsky Project
- Learning and improving Applique
- Learning and improving Couching
- Learn about Kandinsky and how to respond to his work in a Textile piece
Term 4 |
Rotation 2 - Introduction to Textiles
- Learning the Health and Safety of the Textiles Room
- Learning how to use the sewing machine, basic sewing skills and practising control of the machine
- Learning the skills involved with Applique and Couching
Term 5 |
Rotation 2 - Kandinsky Project
- Learning and improving Applique
- Learning and improving Couching
- Learn about Kandinsky and how to respond to his work in a Textile piece
Term 6 |
Rotation 3 - Kandinsky Project
- Learning and improving Applique
- Learning and improving Couching
- Learn about Kandinsky and how to respond to his work in a Textile piece
What will my child learn in Year 8?
Term 1 |
Rotation 1 - Organic Forms : Insects
- Review Health and Safety
- Sewing machine skills year 8 - introduction to stitch guide
- Developing decorative stitching skills
Term 2 |
Rotation 1 - Organic Forms: Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Term 3 |
Rotation 1 - Organic Forms: Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Term 4 |
Rotation 2 - Organic Forms : Insects
- Review Health and Safety
- Sewing machine skills year 8 - introduction to stitch guide
- Developing decorative stitching skills
Term 5 |
Rotation 2 - Organic Forms: Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Term 6 |
Rotation 2 - Organic Forms: Insects
- Using keywords, linking to relevant artists work
- Development of skills: applique, couching, decorative stitching
- Large textiles response to artists work based on Organic forms
Textiles is not taught as a part of the curriculum during Year 9. However, our Year 9 Pre-GCSE Club is offered all year. In this club students will be making something to wear. Some examples are:
- Bucket hats
- Bags
- Skirts
- Corsets
- Ties
- waistcoats
Key Stage 4 - Art
What will my child learn in Year 10?
Term 1 |
Still Life/Natural Form
- Refinement and consolidation of drawing skills.
- Development and expansion of media and techniques.
- Contextual appreciation and critical annotations.
Term 2 |
Still Life/Natural Form
- Refinement and consolidation of drawing skills.
- Development and expansion of media and techniques.
- Contextual appreciation and critical annotations.
Term 3 |
Animal/Man Made
- Refine drawing skills using different 2D media.
- Research and analyse how artists have been inspired by animal portraits.
- Development of clay techniques.
Term 4 |
- Refine drawing skills using 2D media.
Personal Investigation (NEA)
- To choose from one of the themes to develop a sustained project.
Term 5 |
Personal Investigation (NEA)
- To develop work for the sustained project
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 6 |
Continuation from Term 5
- PPE based on chosen theme.
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations.
What will my child learn in Year 11?
Term 1 |
PPE Preparation
- Planning and developing work based on chosen theme of Personal Investigation
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 2 |
PPE Preparation
- Continuation from Term 1 leading to PPE.
- Finish NEA at end of Term 2.
Term 3 |
Externally Set Task
- 3rd January Externally Set Task paper comes live.
- Exploration and experimentation into one of the starting points.
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques.
- Critical and contextual annotations.
Term 4 |
Externally Set Task
- Continuation from Term 3.
- Two-day examination.
Term 5 |
Externally Set Task
- Portfolio improvements (deadline 1st May)
Key Stage 4 - Photgraphy
What will my child learn in Year 10?
Term 1 |
Introduction Skills
- Understanding how the exposure triangle works
- Exploring composition using the camera
- Contextual appreciation and critical annotations
Term 2 |
- Exploration of using the camera’s focus and shutter speed as a means for experimentation
- Development and expansion of media and techniques
- Contextual appreciation and critical annotations
Term 3 |
Multiple Images
- To develop Photoshop Skills
- Research and analyse how Photographers have explored the theme of ‘Multiple Images’
- Development of camera & Darkroom techniques
Term 4 |
Multiple Images PPE
- Plan personal shoots and develop independent ideas.
Develop Final outcome for PPE
- To create a photo book and a virtual gallery.
Term 5 |
Personal Investigation (NEA)
- To develop work for the sustained project
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 6 |
Continuation from Term 5
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
What will my child learn in Year 11?
Term 1 |
PPE Preparation
- Planning and developing work based on chosen theme of Personal Investigation
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 2 |
PPE Preparation
- Continuation from Term 1 leading to PPE.
- Finish NEA at end of Term 2.
Term 3 |
Externally Set Task
- 3rd January Externally Set Task paper comes live.
- Exploration and experimentation into one of the starting points.
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques.
- Critical and contextual annotations.
Term 4 |
Externally Set Task
- Continuation from Term 3.
- Two-day examination.
Term 5 |
Externally Set Task
- Portfolio improvements (deadline 1st May)
Key Stage 4 - Textiles
What will my child learn in Year 10?
Term 1 |
Introduction to Unit 1: Fabric Manipulation and Critical Studies
- Inspiration and experimentation; Ideas, Methods and Materials
- Fabric Sampling: Colour/design and fabric manipulation
Term 2 |
Development of Samples using Inspiration and Observation
- Creation of samples using methods and materials
- Application of samples to research artists and designers
Term 3 |
Development of Samples using Inspiration and Observation
- Creation of samples using methods and materials
- Application of samples to research artists and designers
Term 4 |
- Choose from one of the visual flightpaths to develop a sustained Personal Investigation
- Application of prior learning supporting Personal Investigation
Term 5 |
- Develop work for the Personal Investigation using a variety of different media and techniques
- Develop a piece of work related to Personal Investigation in the Yr10 PP Examination
- Refinement of recording and annotation
Term 6 |
- Development of outcome: Research and intentions
- Investigate outcome: garment type, head wear etc
- Patterns / Cutting, Printing and Manipulation
What will my child learn in Year 11?
Term 1 |
PP Examination Prep
- Planning and developing work based on chosen theme of Personal Investigation
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 2 |
PP Examination Prep
- Planning and developing work based on chosen theme of Personal Investigation
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 3 |
Externally Set Task
- 2nd January exam paper to released
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques
- Critical and contextual annotations
Term 4 |
Externally Set Task
- Continuation from Term 3
- Prep day
- 2 day examination
Term 5 |
Externally Set Task
- Portfolio improvements deadline 1st May
Key Stage 5 - Art
What will my child learn in Year 12?
Term 1 |
- Advanced refinement/consolidation of drawing skills.
- Advanced development and expansion of media and techniques through experimentation
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 2 |
- Continuation from Term 1.
- Contextual research and critical annotations.
Term 3 |
- Continuation from Term 2.
- Introduction to Component 1, students own theme.
- Contextual research and critical annotations.
Term 4 |
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research.
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes.
- Introduction of related study (minimum 1000 words)
- Development of critical annotation.
Term 5 |
- Continuation from Term 4.
- Contextual research and critical annotation.
- Related study.
Term 6 |
- Continuation from Term 5.
- Related study to be completed.
What will my child learn in Year 13?
Term 1 |
- Development, exploration, experimentation of chosen theme
Term 2 |
- Development, exploration, experimentation of chosen theme
- Christmas deadline for Component 1 and related study
Term 3 |
- Make improvements to component 1
- 1st February exam paper given out (week 5)
Term 4 |
- Development of work for chosen exam question.
- Advanced contextual research and critical annotations.
Term 5 |
- 15th May deadline for coursework improvements.
- 15-hour examination.
Term 6 |
Key Stage 5 - Photography
What will my child learn in Year 12?
Term 1 |
- Advanced understanding how to use photographic portrait techniques within the studio
- Advanced development and expansion of media and techniques through experimentation
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 2 |
- Advanced exploration of still-life techniques
- Advanced development and expansion of media and techniques through experimentation
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 3 |
- Advanced use of the camera as a means for photographic experimentation in the Abstraction/surrealism project
- Advanced exploration of photoshop
- To experiment further with shutter speeds, aperture and physical experimentation in the darkroom
Term 4 |
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes
- Introduction of related study (minimum 1000 words)
- Development of critical annotation
Term 5 |
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes
- Introduction of related study (minimum 1000 words)
- Development of critical annotation
- Develop analogue photography by using film
- Explore moving image through cinemagraph/gif generation
- Related study.
Term 6 |
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes
- Introduction of related study (minimum 1000 words)
- Development of critical annotation
- Develop analogue photography by using film
- Explore moving image through cinemagraph/gif generation
- Related study to be completed
What will my child learn in Year 13?
Term 1 |
- Development, exploration, experimentation of chosen theme
Term 2 |
- Development, exploration, experimentation of chosen theme
- Janurary deadline for Component 1 and related study
Term 3 |
- Make improvements to component 1
- 1st February exam paper given out (week 5)
Term 4 |
- Development of work for chosen exam question.
- Advanced contextual research and critical annotations.
Term 5 |
- 15th May deadline for coursework improvements.
- 15-hour examination.
Term 6 |
Key Stage 5 - Textiles
What will my child learn in Year 12?
Term 1 |
Skills, Media and Techniques
- Advanced refinement / consolidation of textiles skills
- Advanced development and expansion of media and techniques through experimentation
- Advanced contextual appreciation and critical annotations
Term 2 |
Skills, Media and Techniques
- Advanced refinement / consolidation of textiles skills
- Advanced development and expansion of media and techniques through experimentation
- Advanced contextual appreciation and critical annotations
Term 3 |
Skills, Media and Techniques
- Advanced refinement / consolidation of textiles skills
- Advanced development and expansion of media and techniques through experimentation
- Advanced contextual appreciation and critical annotations
Term 4 |
Component 1
- Introduction to Component 1, students’ own theme
- Contextual research and critical annotation
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes
- Introduction of related study (Minimum 1000 words
- Development of critical annotations
Term 5 |
Component 1
- Component 1, students’ own theme
- Contextual research and critical annotation
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes
- Introduction of related study (Minimum 1000 words
- Development of critical annotations
- Related study
Term 6 |
Component 1
- Component 1, students’ own theme
- Contextual research and critical annotation
- Personal investigation with supporting contextual research
- Independently develop ideas, techniques and processes
- Introduction of related study (Minimum 1000 words
- Development of critical annotations
- Related study to be completed
What will my child learn in Year 13?
Term 1 |
Component 1
- Development, exploration, experimentation of chosen theme
Term 2 |
Component 1
- Development, exploration, experimentation of chosen theme
Term 3 |
Externally Set Task
- PP Exam and completion of Component 1 by 31st January
- Make improvements to Component 1
- 1st Feb Exam paper given out (week 5)
Term 4 |
Externally Set Task
- Development of work for chosen exam question
- Advanced contextual research and critical annotations
Term 5 |
Component 1
- 15th May deadline for coursework improvements.
- 15 Hour examination
Term 6 |
Course Completion
Accommodation and Resources
- Three general Art rooms, including one with a kiln
- One Textile's room
- One computer room
- Two Photography teaching rooms with a mix PCs, plus dark room facilities