We believe strongly in inclusive education and strive to ensure that every young person attending Fulston Manor School feels equally valued and respected, reaches their full potential and is able to participate on an equal basis in the many different activities within the school community. We actively celebrate difference.
The SEND Team at Fulston Manor do not operate in isolation. All teaching and support staff work closely with the Team to ensure that, as far as reasonably possible, the learning needs of students are identified and addressed. Through the relationship and partnership with parents and external agencies, if necessary, we look to develop teaching and learning strategies that embrace all learners.
We work closely with the primary schools to ensure that information about any identified needs is transferred with the student. This enables us to plan ahead to meet individual needs as required.
Fulston Manor meets the needs of students with an Education, Health and Care Plan [EHCP] with needs from each of the four categories below. The Local Authority makes decisions on the admission of students with an EHCP. The admission arrangements for students without an EHCP do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled students or those with special educational needs.
To take a look at our Padlet which has Information, Support and Resources for Students, Parents & Guardians, please click HERE
Our SEND Team
Mr G Bowden - Deputy Headteacher & SENCO
Mr M Bishop - Assistant SENCO
Mrs J Thomas - Inclusion Manager
Mrs H Pye - Access Arrangements and Learning Support Coordinator
Miss E Adcock – Inclusion Coordinator
Mrs K Sands - Inclusion Administrator
Contact us via: [email protected]|01795 412615
As a parent looking for a secondary school is stressful enough without adding in the extra factor of having an child with additional needs. My child has speech and language delay, sensory processing disorder and has an EHCP.
We visited Fulston Manor on their open day, its great how the children can see what secondary school life is like during a normal day. My child said “this is the school for me.“ We spoke to Mr Bowden (Deputy Headteacher & SENCO) and his professionalism and care shone through.
Coming from a small village school, the house area setup is perfect. The house team staff have been fantastic. The house area has a community spirit feeling. If you wear a badge on your birthday the whole house area sings to you.
I cannot fault the SEN team and House team at Fulston Manor they have been far beyond amazing.
Whenever I email with a question or a problem it’s all about making sure my child is happy.
So when you visit on open day and hear their ethos - everybody matters, everyone succeeds, everybody helps.
It really is true.
Mrs G - Year 10 parent.
The four primary areas of need are:
We believe that any provision should:
The SEND Department are a caring and dedicated team who strive hard to ensure that those with learning difficulties and disabilities receive the necessary support to achieve their full potential and enjoy the experience of being a student at this school.
SEN Local Offer
The SEN Code of Practice stipulates that every local authority must publish their Local Offer – this must be easily accessible and regularly reviewed. It should signpost where to go for help, and should clarify any questions you have about the services your child may qualify for.
The Local Offer for Kent can be found here.
As a provider of SEN help our offer is based on our SEN policy, and includes the Mainstream Core Offer and our SEN Provision Map.
Additional help and advice can be sought from Information, Advice and Guidance Kent (IASK). They provide free, impartial and confidential advice about the options available and the educational issues faced by parents of children with SEN or physical disabilities. They can be reached via:
Helpline: 03000 413 000
Website: Kent Parent Partnership Service
Procedure for expressing concerns and making formal complaints about the support provided by Fulston Manor School, for your child if they have Special Educational Needs (SEND)
We believe that Fulston Manor School continuously aspires to deliver outstanding education for all of our children regardless of any SEN or disability. We work very hard to build positive relationships with all involved in our school community. However, we are obliged to have procedures in place in case there are complaints about the support provided for a child who has Special Educational Needs.
If you have a concern about the support your child is receiving in school we strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your child’s Head of House to discuss this concern. If you feel your concern has not been resolved please do make an appointment with Mr Bowden (Deputy Headteacher and SENCO) who will endeavour to support you.
If, after liaison with the school, you still feel dissatisfied with the support your child is receiving you may choose to make a formal complaint.
If you would like to make a complaint we would refer you to our school Complaints Policy, which outlines the complaints process.