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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School


Finance Office Closure

Due to roofing works the School Finance Office will be closed on Friday 6th July, 

Year 10 Parents Information Evening

Please click here to download a copy of the Year 10 parents information evening slides

Open Days

10th and 11th October 2018

Please click here to download the alloted time slots document

If the Primary School your child is currently at is not listed above, you are welcome to attend either of the sessions on Wednesday 10th or Thursday 11th October 2018

Sports Day

On Wednesday 20th June the Physical Education department hosted its annual Sports Day at Cromers Corner, where the four Houses of Cromer, Hales, Morrison and Stanhope compete for lower school (Years 7 and 8) and upper school (Years 9 and 10) trophies across the traditional Olympic track and field athletic events.  We were very fortunate to have ideal conditions for the competitors; the very pleasant weather plus an athletics track in wonderful condition made for a great spectacle and no doubt assisted our athletes in the quality of their performances.  All of the students who competed on the day epitomised the school ethos of ‘Everybody Matters, Everybody Succeeds, Everybody Helps’; no matter their ability, their level of fitness, their level of experience, their apprehension about performing in front of a large audience, all of the students who participated embodied the qualities that are a major strength of this school.  As I said at the close of competition, everybody contributed in some way, be it staff, competitor or spectator, to make Sports Day a memorable day.  Indeed, the spectators from all of the four houses (and the staff!) were amongst the most animated I can remember.

Thank you again to all of the staff and Sixth Form students for their help, co-operation and camaraderie in the build up to and during Sports Day.  Again, I would like to praise every single student who competed on the day; well done, you were a credit to your House and you demonstrated that, regardless of what position you finished in your event, you are a real team player and this attitude will serve you well throughout your life.

Lower School
  Boys Girls Total Rank
Cromer 231 218 449 1
Hales 181 202 383 2
Morrison 197 146 343 4
Stanhope 186 176 362 3
Upper School
  Boys Girls Total Rank
Cromer 87 103 190 2
Hales 124 66 190 2
Morrison 97 90 187 4
Stanhope 99 100 199 1