Working With University Of Kent - And Enjoying Every Moment!
On Wednesday 18th May a member of staff from the University of Kent came to run 2 sessions which were attended by approximately 55 Year 9 pupils. Students found out about what life at university would be like, both academically and socially. They found out about the different learning methods at university, the independence of study and took part in an activity where they had to manage their own time over a period of a week to ensure they had enough time to attend lectures, seminars, study as well as the other aspects of life eg food shopping, part time work etc. They also found out about all the extra curricular societies that are run at the University and worked in groups to create their own ideal society. Students found the sessions both informative and interesting as they opened their eyes to what life at university would be like.
Then on Friday 20th May approximately 40 year 8 students visited the University of Kent. Although the weather was gloomy, there was plenty of optimism and energy within the room and student threw themselves into the challenge that was set them. The challenge was to design a new accommodation block for university students. Students researched accommodation currently available, did a site visit, interviewed university students and looked at research to discover the requirements of students. They then worked in groups to create their design and presented it to their peers and university students and teaching staff before winners were chosen. All our students showed excellent team working skills and worked incredibly hard, being enthusiastic, creative and mature in their work. They ensured that everybody took part and created some innovative and creative designs. The final joint winners were one team consisting of Shania Scott, Sophie Guthrie, Demi Paston, Isla Olley and Zachary Shepherd and another team consisting of Harry Rollins, Thomas Jolley, Miles Morris and Jude Viotto. At the end of the day one of the University ambassadors said the our students were “one of the best, if not the best school they had every worked with.” To say we were proud of them is a complete understatement.