This Acceptance Form must be completed and submitted by Thursday, 28th March 2024 at the latest.
We are legally obliged to collect personal information about parents and students. The Children’s Act 1989 requires the School to keep up-to-date details of all people who have Parental Responsibility for its students. These would include:
1. Parents (whether married or unmarried) who live together.
2. Step-parents or other guardians who have obtained Parental Responsibility either by Court Order or by appointment in writing by a person with Parental Responsibility or by a Will.
3. The unmarried father (if granted Parental Responsibility by a Court Order or by a formal written agreement with the mother).
4. Divorced or separated parents.
5. The Local Authority Social Services Department, which may share Parental Responsibility with the child’s natural parents or guardians by virtue of an order made at court (a Care Order or similar).
The Act also requires that the School keeps up-to-date details of any Court Order made under Section 8 of the Act in respect of its students. These orders include Residence Orders, Contact Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders and Specific Issues Orders. You will only be aware of such an order if it relates to your child.
The Act requires that all who have Parental Responsibility should have equal access to School reports and be involved, if they so wish, in the normal decision making regarding a student’s education.
We are required to obtain and hold all of the information requested in this form by the Department of Education. You may be assured that all information received will be treated in a confidential manner. If you would like to know more about how we use personal data, please refer to our Privacy Notice published on our website.
Please note that where a section is marked with a red * this information is essential and the form cannot be submitted if it is missing.
Student Details
Special Educational Needs
Service Children in Education
Free School Meals Eligibility
Home Language
All schools are required by the Department for Children, Schools and Families to collect information on students’ ethnic background. Parents/Guardians of all students are being asked to tick one box below. Our ethnic background describes how we think of ourselves. This may be based on many things, including, for example, our skin colour, language, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth.
It is recommended that young people over the age of 11 years old have the opportunity to decide their own ethnic identity. Parents/Guardians are asked to support or advise those children aged over 11 in making this decision, wherever necessary. Students aged 16 or over can make this decision for themselves.
Activities Consent Form
The education of your child will benefit greatly if they can participate in the wide range of activities we organise. The range of events includes many sporting activities, for example – games lessons at Cromer’s Corner, sports fixtures at local schools and skiing at Chatham. It also includes Geography field work, visits to places of historical interest and many more. We require your consent for local visits for your child.
Such visits would be either on foot, by staff car, minibus, coach or train and would have the requisite regulation staff supervision and insurance cover. On those occasions when visits involve any kind of cost and voluntary contribution you will receive a letter with details and a simple reply slip as usual.
Although the school will make every effort to inform you when your child is involved in such activities, often by email, letter or through the use of the student planner, it is believed that the request for a separate signed parental consent form on each occasion is unnecessary. It should be emphasised that separate consent forms will still be required for longer trips and for residential visits. A student will not be allowed to attend an off-site activity unless the school has express parental permission authorising this.
Consent for School Activities
I consent to my child taking part in out of school supervised visits and sporting activities which take place in the local area, in and around Sittingbourne, other areas of Swale, the Medway Towns, Dartford, Maidstone, Canterbury and Ashford. I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for their safety and for the safety of the group that any rules and any instructions given by the staff in charge are followed.
I understand that, while the school staff and helpers in charge of the party will take all reasonable care of students, unless they are negligent they cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my child during the visits/activities.
I consent to my child having their personal information, including photographic images, being published in/on any of the following:
Please note that where a box is not ticked, we will assume you do not consent to this.
I agree to pay for any damages which may be occasioned solely through the misconduct or carelessness of my child to the person or property of any other parties, on the understanding that such agreement should not be interpreted as in any way precluding possible access to insurance claims or other means of redress should such access be deemed more appropriate.
Biometric Consent
You may be aware that the school operates a Cashless Catering System and would like to use biometric information about your child as part of an electronically-operated recognition system. This system allows us to continue with the development of the school meal service, and provides us with a more efficient, faster and ultimately better quality service.
New legislation under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (sections 26 to 28) came into force from September 2013 and we are required to notify each parent of a child and obtain the written consent of at least one parent before being able to use a child's biometric information for an automated system.
As stated above, in order to be able to use your child's biometric information, the written consent of at least one parent is required. However, consent given by one parent will be overridden if the other parent objects in writing to the use of their child's biometric information. You can also object to the proposed processing of your child's biometric information at a later stage or withdraw any consent you have previously given. This means that, if you give consent but later change your mind, you can withdraw this consent. Please note that any consent, withdrawal of consent or objection from a parent must be in writing.
If you do not wish your child's biometric information to be processed by the school, or your child objects to such processing, the law says that we must provide reasonable alternative arrangements; students will be allocated with a 4 digit PIN Code. Please note that PIN Codes do not have the same level of security and it will be your child's responsibility to remember the code and keep it secure at all times.
I understand that I/we may withdraw our child's registration at any time in writing. Once your child ceases to use the biometric recognition system, their biometric information will be securely deleted by the school.
Supporting Documentation
We require the following documentation to be submitted with this online form:
• A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
We require proof of your address and this should include:
• A copy of your Council Tax Bill (for the financial year 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025) or a signed Tenancy Agreement or Exchange of Contracts with a completion date.
And at least one of the following:
• Child/Working Tax Credit/Child Benefit/JSA/Disability Benefit Letter or Statement
• Driving Licence
• Schedule of Motor Insurance
• Utility bills such as Gas/Water/Electric/Sky/Virgin Media/BT/Broadband, etc.
We also require proof that your child lives at the same address and this can include:
• Doctor/Hospital appointment letter in the child’s name
• Savings account or bank statement in the child’s name
• Child benefit statement
Please note: This is not an exhaustive list and the school/Local Authority reserves the right to request further documentation if it considers the evidence provided insufficient to provide residence at the application address. If you are unable to attach your address documents with this form, please email them to [email protected] or visit Fulston Manor School with the documents. If you cannot evidence that the address you used meets the requirements on page 11 of the secondary admissions guide your place may be withdrawn, even if your child has already started school. If you are concerned you have used an incorrect address on your application or your circumstances have changed unexpectedly, please contact Admissions at Fulston Manor School for guidance on 01795 412617.
We will not be able to confirm a place at Fulston Manor School until these documents have been received.
Please upload a copy of your child's Birth Certificate here:
No file chosen
Please upload a copy of your Council Tax Bill (for the financial year 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025) or a signed Tenancy Agreement or Exchange of Contracts with a completion date here:
No file chosen
Please upload a copy of one of the following here:
• Child/Working Tax Credit/Child Benefit/JSA/Disability Benefit Letter or Statement
• Driving Licence
• Schedule of Motor Insurance
• Utility bills such as Gas/Water/Electric/Sky/Virgin Media/BT/Broadband, etc.
No file chosen
Please upload a copy of one of the following here:
• Doctor/Hospital appointment letter in the child’s name
• Savings account or bank statement in the child’s name
• Child benefit statement
No file chosen