Winter Concert 2018
On Thursday 29th November, we had a record number of students involved in our annual Winter Concert, reaching over 200 this year. We had an array of performances from the Performing Arts extra-curricular clubs including; Samba Band, Dance Company, Orchestra and Jazz Band, Choir and a choreography by one of our Year 13 students. We also had many other students performing their own ensemble pieces as well as involvement from A-Level Performing Arts and GCSE Dance and Music classes. The Year 10 Music students surprised us with an interesting adaptation of the Ghostbusters theme, played with boom whackers. The students put on a phenomenal evening of performances and demonstrated many talents across the two concerts. Everyone been working on these performances since the beginning of September and have been rehearsing morning, lunch and after school every week. They really did themselves proud and received a huge amount of praise from fellow students, parents and staff. Mrs Marchant also wanted to thank the Year 11, 12 and 13 students who dedicated performances and gifts, before she finishes for maternity leave. I was very moved by their kind words.