Term 1
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases & sequences (Balance, rotation and flight)
- Exercising safely & effectively to improve health and well-being (Understanding Components of Health Related Fitness)
- Outwitting opponents (Combine, perform, developing skills, consistency, fluency, greater accuracy, quality of technique)
Term 2
- Exercising safely & effectively to improve health and well-being (Understanding Components of Health Related Fitness)
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases & sequences (Balance, rotation and flight)
- Outwitting opponents (Combine, perform, developing skills, consistency, fluency, greater accuracy, quality of technique)
Term 3
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases & sequences (Balance, rotation and flight)
- Exercising safely & effectively to improve health & well-being (Understanding Components of Health Related Fitness)
- Outwitting opponents (Combine, perform, developing skills, consistency, fluency, greater accuracy, quality of technique)
Term 4
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases & sequences (Balance, rotation and flight)
- Exercising safely & effectively to improve health & well-being (Understanding Components of Health Related Fitness)
- Performing at maximum levels (Further develop the skills of sprinting, sustained running, jumping and throwing, adapt skills, to the needs of the event, describe elements)
- Outwitting opponents (Combine, perform, developing skills, consistency, fluency, greater accuracy, quality of technique)
Term 5
- Performing at maximum levels (Further develop the skills of sprinting, sustained running, jumping and throwing, adapt skills, to the needs of the event, describe elements)
- Outwitting opponents (Combine, perform, developing skills, consistency, fluency, greater accuracy, quality of technique)
Term 6
- Performing at maximum levels (Further develop the skills of sprinting, sustained running, jumping and throwing, adapt skills, to the needs of the event, describe elements)
- Outwitting opponents (Combine, perform, developing skills, consistency, fluency, greater accuracy, quality of technique)