Term 1
Computer Science:
Systems Architecture
- The purpose and function of the CPU
- Common CPU components and their function
- Von Neumann architecture
- Embedded Systems
Term 2
Computer Science:
Memory and Storage
- The purpose of RAM and ROM
- The need for Cache and Virtual Memory
- The need for secondary storage
- Storage technologies and devices
Term 3
Computer Science:
Systems Software
- Different types of software
- Systems software:
- Operating system
- Device Drivers
- Utility Software
Computational Logic
- Boolean logic
- Logic gate diagrams
- Truth tables
Term 4
Computer Science:
Computational Thinking
- Abstraction
- Decomposition
- Pattern recognition
- Algorithmic Thinking
Algorithm Design
- How to read and produce algorithms using:
Standard Algorithms
- Linear and binary searches
- Bubble, insertion & merge sorts
Term 5
Computer Science:
Programming Techniques & IDEs
- Common tools and facilities available in an integrated development environment (IDE)
- The use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
- The use of the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program:
- Sequence
- Selection
- Iteration
- Computer related logic and mathematics
- The use of basic string manipulation
- The use of basic file handling operations
- The use of records to store data and SQL to search for data
- The use of arrays when solving problems
- How to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce structured code
Term 6
Computer Science:
Producing robust programs
- Defensive design considerations
- The purpose and types of testing
Non-Examination Assessment
- Success criteria – what key things must the solution contain?
- Planning and design – the solution is broken down and suitable designs created
- Development – the iterative development with code explanations