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Fulston Manor School

Fulston Manor School A Fulston Manor Academies Trust School

What will my child learn in year 7?

Term 1



This term students will explore different attitudes towards religion and faith.  We will investigate who God is to different believers and define key ideas of theism and atheism.

Term 2



This term students will question why Jesus is so inspiring to some people, what would Jesus do and can we live by the values of Jesus in the twenty-first century.

Term 3



This term students will explore the nature of forgiveness, how a Christian uses their faith in order to help them to offer forgiveness to people who have harmed them.  Real life case studies are used to demonstrate forgiveness.

Term 4



This term students review miracles from the gospels and reach a judgement about the validity of modern miracles.

Term 5



This term students learn from and about the religion of Sikhism.  Students will learn about the foundations of faith.

Term 6



This term students will compare Sikhs to Khalsa Sikhs, questioning what does it mean to be a Sikh in Britain today.  Students will consider to what extent teenage Sikhs are able to put down new roots without losing touch with their faith.