Term 1
& 2
Year 10: Still Life/ Natural Form
- Refinement / consolidation of drawing skills.
- Development and expansion of media and techniques.
- Contextual appreciation and critical annotations.
Term 3 |
Year 10: Animal/ Man Made
- Refine drawing skills through the use of different 2D media.
- Research and analyse how artists have been inspired by animal portraits
- Development of clay techniques
Term 4 |
Year 10: Portraits
- Refine drawing skills through the use of different 2D media.
Year 10: Personal investigation (NEA)
- To choose from one of the themes to develop a sustained project.
Term 5 |
Year 10: Personal investigation (NEA)
- To develop work for the sustained project.
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques.
- Contextual research and critical annotations
Term 6 |
Year 10:
- Continuation from term 5.
- PPE based on chosen theme.
- Exploration and experimentation of media and techniques.
- Contextual research and critical annotations.