Remote Curriculum FAQ's
The Remote Curriculum: What is Taught to Pupils at Home?
What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?
Fulston Manor schools runs a parallel curriculum of Blended learning. This means that should your child be sent home they will be able to follow the same curriculum as is being delivered in school to their peers as soon as they are ready. Please note, that it maybe that some tasks for creative subjects differ due to the need for specialist equipment that may not be available at home.
Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?
Whilst a child is not in school they will still be able to follow the same curriculum as those students in school. However, please note that some creative subjects have designed different tasks to those in school to allow for the lack of specialist equipment at home.
Remote Teaching and Study Time Each Day
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
Fulston Manor School aims to maintain as much familiarisation to the average school day and for students to complete the normal school day without extra time needed outside of these hours. However, please note that the school maintains an awareness that ongoing screen time is not always in the best interest of the child and there is a purposeful addition of “non- screen time / down time” built into the remote working day.
Accessing Remote Education
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?
Staff at Fulston Manor School will always set work in the first instance on the Class Charts system. This will give a first point of contact which may then give further instructions if needed. The instructions given on Class Charts may well then link students to external websites that house key learning resources e.g. Live lessons via Microsoft Teams or the use of other such software that allows for a good quality blended learning experience.
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
Should your child not have access to digital or online access, please contact the school and we can ensure that we get your child online by issuing either suitable devices or internet data to make this possible. On rare occasions where this is not possible we can provide printed materials at the parents request.
How will my child be taught remotely?
Fulston Manor School will use a range of remote learning tools under the title of “Blended Learning”. This isn't just the use of Live lessons, but also a range of independent tasks that are supported with recorded lessons, voice supported presentations and independent work.
Engagement and Feedback
What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
Fulston Manor School maintains the expectation that all students should engage in the Blended Learning curriculum as if they were in school. This includes attendance to live lessons, completion of Blended learning tasks, maintaining communication with teachers and responding to feedback as given by staff. Please note, where technology doesn’t allow this, the school will support to ensure that this curriculum is available to all students.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Staff at Fulston Manor School will maintain a submission markbook via the Class Charts system for each task set. This makes engagement levels clear to students and parents, both on a day-to-day basis and over a longer time period. In addition to this, centralised reports on student engagement will be checked, and those falling behind their peers will be contacted to gain support. Should there be any concerns over a child’s engagement, the first line of communication will be through Class Charts (students and parents) and then through direct communication with parents.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
The staff at Fulston Manor School will acknowledge all work that is submitted by your child and for key pieces of work give “Progress Made / Progress Forward” feedback in line with the school's feedback policy.
Additional Support for Pupils with Particular Needs
How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
The staff at Fulston Manor are equipped to support all students with the understanding of all their needs and have become upskilled in the ways to use accessibility functions (where needed) for those needs. In addition to this the Schools SEND team are working with those families where support is needed to ensure full access to our curriculum.
Remote Education for Self-Isolating Pupils
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?
Should a child be self-isolating the Blended Learning curriculum will be in place to guide them through the parallel lessons that run alongside the curriculum taught in school. This curriculum is set via Class Charts specifically for those students who are not in school, but when school continues to be open.