Term 1
Myself and My Family
- Greetings, alphabet and numbers up to 31
- Numbers and dates
- Talking about school equipment - understanding gender of nouns
- Present tense of avoir (to have)
Term 2
Family and Friends
- Giving opinions about colours
- Using adjectives
- Talking about family and pets
- Expressing what you would like using je voudrais and infinitive verb
- Describing myself and others - physical description and characteristics
- Present tense of être (to be)
Term 3
Where I Live
- Describing where I live
- Present tense of habiter (regular –er verb)
- Talking about houses and rooms
- Describing things in the bedroom using prepositions of place
Term 4
Where I Live
- Talking about activities in the evening
- Telling the time
- Numbers up to 60
Term 5
Going to Town
- Talking about places in town
- Asking and giving directions
- Using the preposition à to say where you are and where you are going
- Present tense of aller (to go)
Term 6
Going to Town
- Arranging to meet
- Expressing opinions about a rendez-vous
- Talking about food and drink
- Revision of key verbs in present tense (avoir, être, aller, regular –er verbs)
- Cultural knowledge lessons