Royal Handshake For Toby
Hales student Toby spent last weekend hobnobbing with royalty when he was selected to perform at Southwark Cathedral in front of His Royal Highness,
Hales student Toby spent last weekend hobnobbing with royalty when he was selected to perform at Southwark Cathedral in front of His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh. On the morning of Saturday 23rd April, England’s greatest playwright, William Shakespeare, was honoured at Southwark Cathedral in a specially curated service, blending liturgical worship, music and performance to mark the 400th anniversary of his death. The celebration drew on extracts of Shakespeare’s four late plays – Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest and Toby performed Shakespeare’s Sonnet 55 alongside other members of The RSC Youth theatre. Toby also performed a funeral song from the play Cymberline entitled “Fear no more the heart O’ the sun”. “It was a long long day but a lot of fun”, Toby said, “We were given instructions on etiquette should Prince Phillip choose to talk to us but, as it happened, I only got to shake his hand and nod! But, I did get to sing to Zoe Wanamaker which was great”.