James Shows What A Truly Fantastic Citizen He Is!
Morrison student, James Fletcher, truly deserves some recognition as an outstanding member of the Sittingbourne community.
Morrison student, James Fletcher, truly deserves some recognition as an outstanding member of the Sittingbourne community. The Year 8 boy gave up half of his summer holiday helping out at various churches, either serving lunches to families who were in need of help, or by manning stalls at St Michaels Church when they ran the Community Wardrobe Project. The Community Wardrobe Project collects and recycles old school uniforms and gives them out to those in need. It covers all of the primary and secondary school in Swale. James was complimented by many people for being so kind and helpful and his Mum, Karen, is quite rightly very proud of him. Mrs Palmer asked James why he had decided to give up so much of his time. James explained “I just love helping people. It was wonderful to see how many people came along and left with bags of uniform to kit out their families. It was great to be part of the project and to work with the other churches as well”. Fulston Manor School are equally as proud. Good job James!
You can view a film of the Community Wardrobe including James on YouTube.